Talafous Complex

Sip Jones Development Corporation Planned to redevelop a parcel of land in Jersey City for a professional office building. The site was formerly developed and used as doctor’s office with X-ray capability.

YU & Associates, Inc. (YU) performed a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) to identify area of concern (AOC). YU performed geophysical survey using EM 31 and Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) to identify buried USTs and abandoned pipes. YU also performed site investigation adhering to the NJDEP Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (N.J.A.C. 7:26 E) to evaluate potential discharge from the tanks and historical filling operations. YU performed soil borings and testpit excavations to evaluate subsurface conditions and evaluated soil quality. YU developed soil cleanup requirements, foundation design and dewatering parameters.


Jersey City,
New Jersey


  • Phase 1 ESA/Preliminary Assessment
  • Geophysical Survey
  • Site Investigation
  • Geotechnical Investigations
  • Hazardous Material Evaluation
  • Waste Classification
  • Soil Reuse
Sip Jones Development Corp.
Sip Jones Development Corp.