Port Authority Technical Center

YU & Associates, Inc (YU) was retained to address the compliance of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and investigate the potential Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) at the Port Authority Technical Center in Jersey City, NJ.
Underground Storage Tanks Facility Certification Questionnaires was examined for compliance with requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:14B Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances Rules for the site.

YU also performed a hazardous material identification survey to address the potential ACM in the mechanical room. Samples were collected from the suspect areas including boiler insulation, piping insulation, fittings and tiles. The samples were collected and delivered with proper chain of custody procedures to an NJ licensed laboratory. The laboratory results were used to identify the areas of concern related to the ACM in the building. YU provided recommendations for the abatement and remediation in accordance with State and Federal regulations.

YU prepared a summary report discussing the findings of the document review and the site survey. The report also included the cost estimate for the abatement of all identified hazardous materials inside the building.


Jersey City,
New Jersey


  • UST Compliance
  • Hazardous Material Survey
  • Abatement Cost Estimate
Fay Spofford & Thorndike, Inc.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey