NYSDEC Port Washington Wells Chlorinated Solvent Plume Investigation

Under the NYSDEC State Superfund Contract, AECOM Technical Services, Inc., has retained YU & Associates to complete a groundwater contamination source site assessment at the Port Washington Wells site. In this investigation, YU used conceptual groundwater contamination modeling, GIS based database management to track the potential sources of a chlorinated solvent plume discovered on Site.

During the investigation, YU discovered and acquired substantial data from dozens of environmental agencies, governmental and commercial databases and in-person interviews and site visits. With enhanced staff capacity, YU successfully imported and hosted the acquired datasets in an in-house relational database. With the help of this GIS based database, millions of data records were consolidated, analyzed and visualized in reports. Worked closely with NYSDEC, YU identified the potential sources based on environmental compliance records, groundwater contamination model and literature research.

Final deliverables are to include a groundwater contamination source assessment report with data analysis, ESRI ArcGIS derived maps of potential facility locations, groundwater contamination model, historical groundwater monitoring data. YU is now in the preparation of the soil and groundwater sampling program to confirm the groundwater contamination sources.


Nassau County,
New York


  • Environmental Forensics
  • Remedial Investigation
  • Groundwater Modeling
  • Literature Research
  • Work Plan
  • Database Management
  • GIS Services
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation