New Jersey Turnpike Interchange 6-9 Widening Project

The proposed widening program covers a stretch of 33.9 miles and will result in a roadway from Interchange 6 to Interchange 9 capable of accommodating projected traffic needs through the year 2032 when complete. Major modifications and improvements will be constructed at service areas, toll plazas, and four interchanges within the project area. The program will add 170 lane miles at a cost of about $2.7 billion dollars.

Working as part of the Program Management Team led by HNTB, YU & Associates’ (YU’s) primary responsibilities included oversight of the geotechnical subsurface exploration program and preparation of geotechnical data reports for the construction associated with the highway widening project. The subsurface investigation program was comprised of over 2,500 borings with a total estimated footage of over 120,000 lineal feet and up to 50 piezometers. YU coordinated up to 16 drill rigs and crews operated simultaneously to complete the field exploration program on time.

YU’s execution of the subsurface exploration program included supervising drilling operations, classifying soil samples, measuring borehole fluid levels, and providing fieldwork coordination and field quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) services. YU prepared regular data submission packages including boring logs developed in gINT, which were confirmed or modified as per laboratory test results. YU developed extensive subsurface profiles and groundwater elevation records to assist with design development and drainage characterization by the project team.


Burlington & Middlesex Counties,
New Jersey


  • Subsurface Exploration Program Development
  • Subsurface Exploration Program Oversight
  • Boring Plans
  • Subsurface Profiles
  • Database Management
NJ Turnpike Interchange 6 to 9