Lower Manhattan Environmental Services

YU & Associates (YU) provided this confidential client with environmental consulting services for a former gas station during pre-property acquisition due diligence. The site, located in a highly developed mixed-use area of Lower Manhattan in New York City, was formerly a gasoline retail facility and service station with underground storage tank fields located on the eastern side of the property. The gasoline pumps were removed but the station and garage building are still standing. There is an existing soil vapor extraction/air sparge remediation system.

YU performed a Phase I ESA to identify the Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) on the subject site resulting from the historical and/or current usage or condition of the property. Based upon a site visit and a review of relevant documentation, YU identified 10 RECs at the subject site related to open spill cases, gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs), fuel oil USTs, other USTs, site operations, and upgradient property listings. Additionally, numerous historical RECs (HRECs) were identified.

To address the RECs identified, a site investigation was performed that included a geophysical survey, SVE/AS system, historic USTs (gasoline, fuel oil, waste/used oil, heating oil), former gasoline dispenser islands, and historic hydraulic lifts. A subsurface investigation performed in accordance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) requirements in order to investigate previously identified soil and ground water impacts associated with historic site operations and potential impacts of the site of off-site upgradient concerns.


New York,
New York


  • Due Diligence
  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
  • Health and Safety Plan
  • Site Investigation Workplan
  • Geophysical Survey
  • Site Investigation