Hunter’s Point South Development

YU & Associates, Inc. (YU) was retained to perform remedial investigation program to fill data gaps and to perform a remedial design for the remedial activities at the site including contaminated soil excavation, transport and disposal in accordance with applicable NY State, NY City and applicable federal regulations.

YU assisted with the remedial investigation to delineate the nature and extent of contamination. The work included RI work plan including the test boring and monitoring well location plans; health and safety plan, Remedial Action Plan (RAP), sampling and analysis and data evaluation and report. In addition to the RI, YU performed a remedial design and prepared plans, specification and cost estimate for the remediation at this site prior to the site development activities. YU coordinated with all parties including the NYCDEP to obtain approval of the proposed remedial actions.

YU also performed Asbestos containing materials (ACM), lead-based-paint (LBP) and other hazardous materials survey in accordance with USEPA AHERA and other applicable regulations. Based on this, the design was developed and the plans and specifications developed for the abatement work to be completed during the early action demolition activities.

The environmental engineering design and analysis of the contaminant delineation, and engineering support in developing site remedial measures enabled the team to complete the investigative phase of the project in a timely manner.


New York


  • Environmental Site Investigation
  • HASP
  • Boring Inspection
  • Monitoring Wells
  • Soil, groundwater sampling
  • Environmental Engineering Design and Analysis
  • Site Assessment
  • Remedial Action Plan (RAP)
  • Site Remediation
  • Asbestos, LBP, PCB Inspections/ abatement design
  • Hazardous Material Evaluation and Abatement Design
  • Geotechnical Field Supervision and Reporting
New York City Economic Development Corporation