Farmingdale Plaza Cleaners Interim Remedial Measure SVE Pilot Study

Under the NYSDEC State Superfund Contract, Earth Tech Inc., has retained YU & Associates, to complete a Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) pilot study for the Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) design of the Farmingdale Plaza Cleaners, an EPA Class 2 Inactive hazardous waste site.

This Pilot Study included installation of four extraction wells and five soil vapor monitoring wells, implementation of a portable SVE system onsite to perform SVE, data collection of system operation, ambient and underground formation response. Data analysis and evaluation includes Radius of Influence (ROI) analysis, calculation and physical and chemical parameters onsite and preparation of a conceptual design.

In preparation for the pilot study, YU prepared a site-specific Health and Safety Plan, Quality Assurance Project Plan, and Field Activities Plan, as well as retained subcontractors and communicated extensively with the prime consultant.


New York


  • Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Pilot Study
  • Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) Design
  • Work Plan
  • Health and Safety Plan
  • GIS Services
Earth Tech, Inc.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation