552 West 24th Street Redevelopment Project in Chelsea

YU & Associates, Inc. (YU) was retained by New Millennium United Methodist Church to provide Environmental and Geotechnical Engineering services for a proposed redevelopment in Chelsea, NY.

YU was selected as part of the construction team to perform a Phase II Environmental Site Investigation (ESI) and Remedial Investigation (RI) that involved Geophysical Survey, Geoprobe® borings and the installation of monitoring wells. YU prepared a site specific Health and Safety Plan for the protection of on site personnel and the general public during the site investigation activities.

During the course of YU’s environmental investigation, VOC and SVOC contamination was found. To resolve this problem, YU studied various remediation alternatives and prepared a Remedial Action (RA) Work Plan. Upon finding VOC and SVOC concentrations exceeding their New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Recommended Soil Cleanup Objectives (RSCO), YU evaluated the best management processes to be employed for remediation. YU proposed a cost effective soil and groundwater remediation alternative including underground storage tank (UST) excavation and Oxygen Release Compound® (ORC) usage. Effective correspondence with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) was integral to the project’s success.

YU also performed a Geotechnical Investigation and provided recommendations for the foundation of the proposed structure. Geotechnical design parameters for foundations and retaining walls were developed with seismic considerations meeting the requirements/guidelines established in the NYC Building Code, including the latest seismic criteria.


New York,
New York


  • Health and Safety Plan
  • Geophysical Survey
  • Phase II Environmental Site Workplan and Investigation
  • Remedial Investigation (RI) and RI Report
  • Remedial Action Selection and Workplan
  • Geotechnical Evaluation and Report
  • Cost Estimates
Peter Poon Architects
New Millennium United Methodist Church