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Michael Gelfand is the Senior Project Manager of Hazardous Materials Services, a licensed NYC DEP Asbestos Investigator, certified NYS DOL Asbestos Inspector, Management Planner, Project Designer, and USEPA Lead Risk Assessor. He has over 26 years of experience in management of general environmental and hazardous materials (hazmat)-related services. His expertise includes all phases of asbestos, lead paint and other hazardous materials management, including investigations and report preparation, abatement design, preparation of abatement plans and specifications, development of cost estimates and schedules, procurement of permits for abatement, and abatement oversight. 

Mr. Gelfand manages a staff of engineers, inspectors and monitors providing inspections and abatement oversight activities, developing comprehensive hazardous materials survey reports, response actions, site specific variances, Workplace Safety Plans, abatement specifications, and design documents in accordance with EPA, NIOSH, NESHAP, NYSDOL, and NYCDEP regulatory requirements. He is a manager of many high-profile hazmat projects performed for New York City and New York State agencies such as: DASNY, CUNY, SUNY and MTA. He possesses all necessary professional certifications and is a member of the American Industrial Hygiene Association. 


Hofstra University
Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering

Key Projects

NYCEDC, Science Park and Research Campus (SPARC), Hunter College Brookdale Campus 
PANYNJ Midtown Bus Terminal (MBTR) Early Action ITS 
Hunter College Air Monitor. North Bldg. Roof Phase 3