North/West Battery Park City Resiliency Project

Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) proposed to construct floodwalls and other flood resiliency structures to protect Battery Park City residents and property in Lower Manhattan, New York. This project is a design-build effort to provide a reliable coastal flood barrier system.  

YU & Associates (YU), as a subconsultant, provided geotechnical engineering and related services to support the prime engineering consultant on the preparation of preliminary and final design documents for use in the bid package for this project. 

YU designed and managed Geotechnical Subsurface Investigation as well as developing geotechnical laboratory testing programs, evaluation of subsurface conditions, analysis and design of foundation system to support two bridge structures spanning over the existing PATH Tunnel Tubes. The work included the analysis and design of flood-wall system, utilizing O-Piles, to act as a structural wall as well as a seepage barrier wall. YU performed seepage and stability analyses and provided geotechnical-related specifications for foundation design of the flood barriers. 

YU also performed finite element analysis using PLAXIS 3D to determine any impacts the proposed flood resiliency structure foundations may have on the existing nearby PATH tunnels. YU performed seepage analysis to determine the required depths the seepage barriers are needed to meet design criteria. GROUP analysis was also performed by YU for foundation design to determine the appropriate sizing and type of foundation.  

Additionally, YU developed conceptual support of excavation (SOE) utilizing secant pile system and provided design criteria for proposed new Pump Station near Stuyvesant High School.  


New York


  • Subsurface Investigation Program Development
  • Boring Inspection
  • Soil Classification
  • Record of Borings
  • Geotechnical Engineering Report
  • Seepage Analysis
  • Flood Wall Foundation Design
  • Geotechnical Design
Battery Park City Authority