NYCDDC On-Call Geotechnical Services

YU & Associates and their joint venture partner WSP (formerly Parsons Brinckerhoff), were engaged by the New York City (NYC) Department of Design and Construction (DDC) in a three-year (2012 to 2015) city-wide on call contract to perform various geotechnical engineering services which incorporated several green infrastructure (GI) improvements such as the application of right-of-way bioswales (ROWB), green streets (permeable pavements), rain gardens, dry wells and other associated road and onsite GI. YU worked on these various GI improvements as part of the main task or stand-alone work orders.

YU, as the lead JV partner, designed, managed and executed geotechnical exploration programs as well as provided engineering oversight for the performance of borings, test pits, in-situ permeability tests and geothermal wells. YU also developed geotechnical laboratory testing programs and engaged specialty sub[1]consultants to conduct acoustic televiewer (ATV) rock logging, natural gamma ray logging, infrared temperature scanning and seismic CPT testing. YU regularly submitted standard deliverables to NYC DDC Bureau of Environmental and Geotechnical Services (BEGS), which included record of borings (ROBs), field documents and pay items, geotechnical data and engineering reports, pre-construction conditions reports and permeability test reports that relates to standard GI practices.

Majority of the geotechnical investigation that YU completed for NYC DDC BEGS where for the construction of new water mains, storm and sanitary sewer trunk lines, which typically included 90+ borings over an average of 1.5+ miles of alignment. Other geotechnical work orders that YU completed included reconstruction or new construction of retaining walls, roads, flood resiliency infrastructure, new building structures, sanitary containment structures, building additions and other green infrastructures.


New York City Five Boroughs,
New York


  • Flood Mitigation
  • Subsurface Investigation Program Development
  • Boring and Test Pit Inspection
  • Soil and Rock Classification
  • In-situ Permeability Testing
  • Geothermal Well Step Draw-down Pumping Test
  • Record of Borings
  • Geotechnical Report
  • Pre-construction Conditions Documentation
  • Vibration Monitoring
NYC Department of Design and Construction
NYC Department of Design and Construction