The Broadway Junction Station, connecting the Fulton Street Line, the Jamaica Line, and the Canarsie Line, was identified by NYC MTA to meet the guidelines set forth in the Americans with Disability Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADA). The Station will undergo a transformation to provide various vertical access alternatives, including ADA elevators, stairs, control house expansion, new control house, new pedestrian bridge and transfer bridge, and other improvements. YU & Associates (YU) was retained by Atkins as a geotechnical consultant for the proposed design build work. A design build package will be prepared by the design team.
The main challenge of this project was to design these elements that are very close to existing underground A/C tunnel. Determining the existing column and wall foundation configuration and avoid conflict with the new foundations and utilities was a major challenge. The new structures are to be built so that they have no influence on the existing structures.
YU prepared a geotechnical investigation work plan and obtained approval from MTA. YU performed special inspection of the geotechnical investigation that included geotechnical borings, monitoring well, infiltration tests, and test pits. YU prepared geotechnical engineering report and memos including recommendations and design criteria for shallow and deep foundations, recommendations for new pavement, retaining wall analysis and design, foundation analyses using elastic and numerical methods, foundation detail development. YU also prepared geotechnical specifications including geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring, foundations, and earthwork.