Verona Park Lake was dredged by Essex County to increase its capacity. Evaluation of dredged material for potential contaminants indicated the presence of contaminants at concentrations exceeding the NJDEP Residential Direct Soil Contact Cleanup Criteria. This required identification of an upland disposal site that would meet the NJDEP regulations and would not pose future liability.
YU & Associates, Inc. (YU) evaluated the dredged material for contaminants, physical characteristics and performed analysis and developed procedures to stabilize the material. Several NJDEP disposal facilities were reviewed and evaluated to find disposal options that meet the NJDEP regulations and are economically feasible for this fast tracked project. A Brownfield redevelopment site was identified and approval was obtained from the NJDEP for beneficial reuse. YU also prepared procedures and specifications for dewatering the dredge material, loading, transporting and disposal at this approved site. Upon completions of the project a closure report will be prepared and submitted.